History of Petra in Jordan

History of Petra in Jordan
Jordan’s Petra: A Gateway to the Pre-Historic Times
Caught in the middle of desert, Jordan’s ancient city of Petra hides in its annals innumerable untold stories of the ancient Nabataean people who inhabited and ruled the Jordan region from Petra. As Nabataeans were nomadic people, their means got wings as they begun to play key role on the trade route. It earned them great fortunes and empowered them to script a new history by building a marvelous city which has stood the test of time through centuries. The History of Petra in Jordan talks to visitors, travelers, historians and scholars through its ancient city structure, pre-historic buildings, carved front walls and monasteries. Its splendid tombs, majestic halls, domed gateways and luxurious pools come alive and speak to the visitors
True insights into the Nabataean Workmanship
When you go deeper to understand the intricacies of the Grecko-Roman structures, you come to know about different shades of their workmanship. The History of Petra in Jordan can be read through the objects. The perfect example lies just beyond the remnants of a triumphal gate, where stands the imposing structure of Petra’s main temple. Today this temple is known as Qasr al-Bint. Temple’s walls have been preserved to a height of over 75 feet.  Qasr al-Bint was built in the guise of a traditional Roman temple which has a broad colonnaded porch leading to a smaller interior shrine.

History is coming alive through the layers of past
Interestingly there are more sites which have emerged overtime from the sands of time giving further insights into the History of Petra in Jordan. It simply means that travelers and visitors have many places to go around. One of the sites which have recently been uncovered by archaeologists stands at a distance behind the temple, on a hill overlooking the city’s main street.
Great site for historians and researchers
Overtime more theories have surfaced about the people of Petra. According to a new theory, the wealthy spice traders worshiped the sun, among other deities, and may have influenced the Nabateans to created structures at Petra, which is a Greek word that means "rock." The facades of Petra are trying to tell something. The whole city seems to be a replica of the sun. It means the city has drawn interests from many historians and researchers. This is another reason that you should not miss the magnificence of the city.
If you are travelling to the ancient city of Petra, you spend your day in living in an ancient city. You can book your trips to the city. A colony of luxury hotels and restaurants try to multiply your experience in an ancient style. You can take the help of an agent to plan your trip in the city so that there are more activities involved to entertain you during your stay. Your stay will help you to sense the lifestyle of forgotten Nabataea. You can not only discover the wonderful world of the ancient people who left the deserts of Arabia and built a majestic empire. You can relive some of its excitement and discover the long forgotten glory.

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