Petra Jordan - Ancient City

Petra Jordan - Ancient City 


The Ancient City of Petra, Jordan – Visit History


Are you a lover of history who keeps searching for the places where ancient emperors and rulers once lived and played a key role in the history? Petra, Jordan – ancient city is a perfect place to explore. Ruins of the stone-carved ancient city will make your travel a perfect trip. You can plan your holidays to this ancient city as packages are available. Petra promises your family a quality time and chance to see, learn and be part of the Nabataean culture. You get a chance to see through the remarkable history of the past centuries. Petra, Jordan – ancient city will provide you the delight of being in the middle of ruins where once Nabataeans resided in utmost glory.


Activities for you


A traveler has a lot of things to do in Petra Jordan – ancient city apart from storing the magnificent ancient ruins in your camera and your memories. You can view the intricate and classical facades, dramatic canyons. You can also move around the cliff sides where inset temples and monasteries exist. The craftsmanship of the ancient people will appall you and force you to think how they built such a magnificent city thousands of years ago. They cut walls, temples, pools and theatre in the sandstone which is the manifestation of their workmanship and innovative thinking. In addition, you can climb up to the Petra cliffs to view the most incredible places around the desert.


Other side of Petra city


If you are searching for ultimate relaxation in the ancient city of Petra, Jordan, you can go to the world famous Dead Sea where you can enjoy floating experience. You can float on the sea because of the high salt layer in the sea water. It makes you lie back and float. There are many options for foods and drinks in the city, especially in Wadi Musa where a lot of shops and restaurants exist. You can enjoy Jordanian cuisine.

Jordan's Ancient City of Petra

Jordan's Ancient City of Petra

Listen to the Ancient Whispers


Through a narrow gorge, the ancient city of Petra emerges into view deep within the deserts of Jordan. A traveler gets a perfect treat as the pre-historic town seems calling from the past.  As the historians are unfolding the secrets of the city, Jordan’s ancient city of Petra is gaining popularity. It has become a center of attraction for students, historians and history seekers.


Cultural Assimilation


Once ruled by Nabataeans, Jordon’s ancient city of Petra is an excellent example of cultural assimilation that began to take place in the pre-historic times and exists even today. Since the city was part of the ancient spice trade route – Rome to India, Nabataeans gained huge profits that empowered them to turn this city into the capital city.


Exquisite remains 


The city has given Jordan a new identity. The Grecko-Roman architecture is unique and so tries to convey something. Even a recent study has found that the Nabataeans built the city to symbolize the powers of the sun. The worship of the sun is an example of the influence which the traders had on the city culture, since most traders from Rome worshiped the sun. The stone-hewn city still preserves exquisite remains of Jordan’s ancient city of Petra such as the ornate façade, the Treasury, the multi-seating theatre, pools, gardens and tombs. The remains leave a lasting impact on the traveler’s mind.

Ancient City of Petra Location

Ancient City of Petra Location


Petra – Travelers’ Paradise


If you have made up your mind to pay a visit to the ancient city of Petra where cultures assimilated, it is easy to reach the place. Located in the Middle Eastern country Jordan, the ancient city of Petra location can be found in Wadi Musa, a Jordanian town which has sprung up even to the entrance of ancient city of Petra. Wadi Musa is a flourishing town that provides all facilities to the tourists and travelers from around the world. There are a wide variety of hotels, restaurants and other services available in that town. The town has a local market where you can find everything from five star hotels to places that service back-packers in the local region. The ancient city of Petra location is very well serviced and connected.


Affordable travel


Foreign tourists can easily obtain travel visas. The travel to Jordan is usually an affordable one. Another advantage is that the local transport and food are low-priced in the Middle Eastern country. Plus, most Jordanians speak English or at least know someone who does, thereby making it easy for foreigners to travel and stay comfortably.


Reach Wadi Musa via road


The ancient city of Petra location in Jordan is the most well-known and gorgeous location situated about 262 kms, South of Amman and about 133 kms in the North of Aqaba. This city is the legacy of Nabateans the ancient ancestors who settled in the southern part of Jordan nearly 2000 years ago.

Ancient City of Petra History

Ancient City of Petra History


Knowing Petra through the historian’s eye


The ancient city of Petra history reveals that Nabataeans ruled the whole region from this capital city. There are many secrets hidden in the structures. Historians have just begun to unfold the mysteries behind its existence. It is believed that the stone-hewn city of Petra was built to align with celestial powers. The ancient city of Petra, as historians believe, was the capital of the Nabatean kingdom, which ruled the modern day Jordan from third century BC until the first century AD.


Who were Nabataeans?


According to a belief, the Nabataeans who came from humble nomadic origins in the vast deserts of northern Arabia somewhere during the Persian period (539-332 B.C.), first established themselves in the area around Petra and began to establish themselves as traders and middlemen. But as their economic position strengthened, the Nabataeans took over all of the lands bordering the Arabian frontier, a vast territory stretching from Damascus in the north to Hegra in the south.


The Ancient city of Petra takes shape


By the first century BC, Petra was a capital city as its rulers raked in large profits from an international spice trade that extended from India to Rome. The flow of wealth and position forced the Nabataean kings to present their city as an international city. This thought led them to adopt and assimilate the styles, tastes and the traditions of Hellenistic civilization. The ancient city of Petra, as historians reveal, much like Jerusalem under the Herodian dynasty, derived most of the architecture from Greco-Roman cities.


Hellenistic Influence on the architecture


Any visitor perceives the distinctly Hellenized flavor in the ancient city of Petra history. This is visible in the ornate façade of the Khazneh, the Treasury, in the remains of a Greco-Roman style theater, and its multi-tiered seating. From the theater’s seats, you can just perceive the detailed Hellenistic rock-cut façades of the Royal Tombs, where the Nabataean kings and queens are believed to be resting in peace. Even the remains of the luxurious pools and gardens speak of the Hellenistic influence on the city culture.

Ancient City of Petra Nabataeans

Ancient City of Petra Nabataeans

The Ancient City Wants to Say Something


Visiting historic places brings us closer to the ancestors and helps us to know their lifestyle and challenges they faced. This also lets us know how they lived, loved and fought. If you are passionate about exploring historic places, you cannot miss the ancient city of Petra, Nabataeans. The middle-eastern city holds in its ancient architecture some of the greatest mysteries and uncovered secrets, the smell of which could be easily perceived as you walk through the walls and ruined buildings.


Who built them so majestically?


The Nabataean Kingdom of Arabs had a stronghold on the city. Their knowledge of Greek architecture style reflects in the building and tombs built across. Until the city became a part of the ancient Roman Empire in 106 AD, Petra served an important stop for the Roman traders as it was part of the ancient trade route.


Cinema-style experience awaits you


The ancient city of Petra, Nabataeans is a perfect place for history buffs. However, it is a great place to take a trip around, since it is much more than a mass of broken buildings and silent tombs. A tour to the city will give you an unforgettable cinema-style experience as every object, every stone, every pillar or every wall in the city tries to narrate a story. You will have fond memories of the ancient city.
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